Running Away Together | Teen Ink

Running Away Together

June 17, 2014
By LoonyLunaLovegood BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
LoonyLunaLovegood BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end.”
- Luna Lovegood
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Here I am.
Where are you?
I keep looking,
I came at the right time,
But there is no one here.
Why isn’t he here?
He told me to come,
But he is not here.
He left me
All alone,
I realize.
Has he really?
Maybe he’s late?
But he’s never late.
I am alone.
He left me.
He left without me.
And now I am all alone.
I feel like I should burst into tears.
I had wanted to believe he would stay.
I had wanted to believe he would come.
But he didn’t.
He is not.
No one is coming.
No one is coming for me.
I am alone.
I sit down on the ground, trying to avoid soaking my skirt in a puddle of water.
The green light shines down on the black stone street.
I am sad,
But I do not cry;
Not yet.
Now I do.
Now I do even more.
I am sobbing.
I am weeping.
I sniffle.
I hiccup.
I can’t just stay here,
But where will I go?
My ship has sailed away.
He has left me alone.
All I have is gone.
Why did I do it?
Nevermind, I know why.
I don’t regret it;
Not anymore.
I stand up.
I am going on my way.
I walk, cautiously.
My legs are shaky.
I hiccup a final time, and it propels me forward.
I turn back,
Ready to leave forever,
Start my own life.
Midstep there is a call -
I turn.
He runs towards me.
He grabs me in his arms;
He hugs me, embraces me.
He pulls back and looks at me.
The look in his eyes-
He looks as if he has seen someone he has not seen for a thousand years.
His eyes are completely on mine,
Glistening in the light.
He smiles, full of love.
His hands touch my face and cup my hair.
“I thought you hadn’t come,”
He says.
There are tears in his glistening in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I am too,”
I say.
I hold him close to me,
My hands on his back and chest.
I do not let go.
I smile at him.
He is smiling at me brightly.
“I love you,”
I say.
“I love you,”
He says.
I look around:
The light from the lamp looks a glittering gold now,
The dark waters of the harbor are beautiful and deep,
The bright moon shines down on us,
A bright ray of light and love,
The stars glitter down in drops of light, giving us their blessing,
A beauty fills the air, and the clear sea wind cools as it whistles through my nostrils.
I turn back to him.
He is glowing.
His hair falls in his face, and his clothes are a mess,
But in that moment and forevermore he was the most beautiful thing in the world to me,
And I knew that I was the same to him.
I reached for his face.
We pulled in and kissed,
A long slow beautiful kiss.
A loud horn sounds from a ship in the harbor and we stop, smiling, our eyes gleaming at each other full of life and love.
We pull apart for only a second
Before taking each other’s hand.
Our fingers fit together, interlocking perfectly, and we let them fall, swinging like a pendulum as we turned and walked, turning away from the sea.
I imagined the moonlight still glinting on our hair as we walked around towards the docks,
Heading towards our ship,
To our future,

The author's comments:
This is what happens when I'm bored and start typing when I just finished watching the movie, Anastasia, and my mom is flipping between Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. and the Hallmark Channel: A romantic story about a young couple running away together in a city, at night, in the 1800s/ early 1900s.

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