Nightmare Visions | Teen Ink

Nightmare Visions

July 2, 2014
By midnight_0941 SILVER, Macungie, Pennsylvania
midnight_0941 SILVER, Macungie, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was this darkness
when I was running for my life
trying to scream in terror
but the night swallows the sound
trying hard to escape
but I'm locked in a prison
Simply a statue
Never to awaken
Trembling in fear
but nobody seems to notice
Not having time
to hose me off the walls
while the paint is still wet
It was this darkness
when I was no longer scared
When I realized-
All of life
is a game
played without rules
It's anger against fear
and I am the battlefield
I hold the key to my soul
that locks my humanity
It absorbs my feelings and
locks them in a box

The author's comments:
This poem is a combination of lots of things I have in my journal, and the immediate thoughts that run through me when I feel scared.

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