Dear Soldier | Teen Ink

Dear Soldier

July 3, 2014
By kmolchen BRONZE, Morgantown, Pennsylvania
kmolchen BRONZE, Morgantown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Success is nothing if there is no one left there to share it with.

Your name has been etched
Into my mind
Since the day I met you

The way you laugh
Your bright blue eyes
I could never forget you

But time went by
And so did life
Forcing us apart

I still hold on
To our memories
Keeping you close to heart

I’ve watched you grow
From thirteen until now
And four years feels like forever

And every time
You come back home
I instantly feel better

So before you’re departed
All that I want
Is a great big hug goodbye

You’re already my idol
Already my best friend
Be safe I need you alive.

The author's comments:
For my best friend who chose his career path as the U.S Infantry.

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