bully | Teen Ink


July 2, 2014
By mereh BRONZE, Kyle, Texas
mereh BRONZE, Kyle, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if you cant see your beautiful, you're wrong."

You fill my head with hurtful word
You fill my heart with hurt
You fill my wrists with scars
You fill my soul with depression
Now my mind is set on suicide
Now my heart is set on revenge
Now my wrists are set on making new scars
Now m soul is filled with hatred
My head is clear
My heart has stopped
My wrists have scars
My soul is dead

The author's comments:
Many student are bullied and they don’t tell anyone. They think of suicide, self harm, running away and more. If your friend or family member changes in some way, tell someone or ask whats wrong. If you tell someone, they will be mad at first but sooner or later, they will forgive you. I know because I was a victim too. No one is alone, we are all here for you. :)

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