Unbroken | Teen Ink


July 28, 2014
By cleowaterfall SILVER, Singapore, Other
cleowaterfall SILVER, Singapore, Other
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I fight across this wall, continuously hacking
On and on for hours, months, years

Until I finally come to my senses, what wall?
That wall, yes that wall, it’s right there

No! You can’t do that, It’s impossible
No one broke that wall, it can’t be done

Never, you have lost your mind
You will go away, you must go away

No one will be left, everyone has moved on
You are the last man standing, you will never break this wall

You are alone, forever alone
No one will stand by your side

No one to trust, no one to help you
Everyone has moved on you must too

But somehow you did it, the wall is broken
For now at least, it will come back

It always comes back, there’s always someone rebuilding it
Always another wall to break down, but you

You will falter, you will fall
You will break apart,
only those who can will be put back together

The wall will keep fighting you, constantly
Forever, until the time is right, you will see

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this, by my personal experiences and hardships.

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