My Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

My Guardian Angel

July 30, 2014
By Abigail_Longbird BRONZE, Montague, California
Abigail_Longbird BRONZE, Montague, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper.
They may scratch and hurt you a lot but, in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless."
Andrew Dennis Biersack

Beauty in her eyes,

With a spirit that flies,

And a heart that cries,

Her eyes shine bright,

She, the beauty so filled with light,

Eyes the colour of ,grass in the park

A smile to make the angels hark,

A beauty filled with light afraid of the dark,
Eyes that gleam,

When the sunbeams.

She with a burden to hard to carry,

And a lovers kiss filled with worry,
Worry for my lover Jeannie.
She moved away,

Saying she will return someday,

I vowed that my heart was hers,

From now 'til the end, forever and always.

Three weeks went by,

A call came in and I began to cry.

The night of her birthday,

While walking home from a party,

A car came by,

And the light in her eyes did not stay.
Three years have passed,

And her ring rests on my finger.

Her eyes flash in my mind.

Wings of an angel I see on her.

My love,

My angel.

The author's comments:
We all lose someone.
And a lot of times, it is too soon. This is for my first love, and for anyone who has lost a loved one to drunk driving.
You'll always be in our hearts

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