Passion | Teen Ink


August 3, 2014
By Bridgette98 SILVER, Victorville, California
Bridgette98 SILVER, Victorville, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pray for the best, accept what comes

Passion, adornment, serenity, and tranquility... The sweet, sweet sensation of cool water as it hits your lips for the first time on a hot, rainy day. The sky ominous and opaque is quiet and surreptitious. Rolling clouds earlier that day had cluttered the sky, enfolding into the blue and masking the sun. The adolescents of the neighborhood began to creep out of their houses, careful not to wake their sleeping mothers. They skulked into the dark alleys awaiting the holy water from heaven to descend onto their sinful lips for they were hot, and full of devious schemes. They became restless as the time passed on. They plotted… would it be the old woman on Mischievous Lane, or the young girl on Temptation Road?...The widowed mother of three on Depression Avenue, or the abusive, alcoholic father on Crushed Dreams Road? This was the City of Hell, anything was possible. It hadn’t rained in years, not a single drop. Day after day the blazing ball of fire drained the land of all moisture and bliss. News rang out that a storm was coming like the Lord’s trumpet on the day of Armageddon. Not a single soul dared to believe this… yet nearly the whole town stopped every now and then just to look at the sky. Assimilationist gathered in the town square full of hope that this day would finally join everyone together. Women looking for a good time and a buck to feed their children coquettishly paraded down the streets. Flashing their bare skin to anyone who dared to look… married men, desperate workaholics, and even young boys. This was a normal sight to anyone in the City of Hell, but it was not in any form or way praised. Then the first sign... a small and dim streak of light marbled the sky. Was it an epiphany? Hearts had stopped for a brief second before the promiscuity continued. Then it happened again. One after another the sky began to light up like the Las Vegas strip and everyone stopped, heads outstretched in awe. Mouths ajar and eyes ablaze they stared, but it wasn’t long before they continued on the road to Hell. BOOM! Another sign once again attracted the city. Like roaches to a crumb they scurried to town square, but like before it wasn’t long before they continued with their daily life. In fact they began to behave worse than before. Windows were smashed, fires were set, women were raped and stores were robbed. Fights broke out and riots crowded every block. In the midst of all of this tumult, she stopped. Fist in midair, clenched preparing to land, she felt it. Cool and promising she felt it. It dropped on her cheek and rolled to her crimson lips. The sweet, sweet sensation of cool water on her lips enticed the young boy that was steadily watching her. Lighter in hand, ready to set another building on fire, he witnessed what she had felt. The first rain drop, the first drop of any purity to come into this City of Hell had descended upon her. As he began to approach her it was as if two long lost lovers were reunited for the first time in years. They were drawn together by a force both unseen and unknown. They were inseparable. His lips full of lust and aggression rested upon the girl. She was full of hatred and resentment… but as they assorted their sins another drop had fell upon them between their cheeks. Then another…they all had felt it too. It was as if time itself had stopped. One after another the drops began to fall. Slowly, slowly the hatred began to cease. Fires were put out, weapons dropped and everyone began to voyage to the town square. The assimilationist could not believe their eyes. All cultures joining together as one. It was a miracle. As the rain picked up, the two adolescents had culminated, embracing each other in one another refusing to separate. An enigma was occurring before their very eyes. Unraveling and unwinding like an Egyptian snake. The city was cleansed. Freed of all hell and devious schemes, freed of all hatred and crimes they hugged one another, liberating each other. As the rain drenched the city in love and cleanliness flowers began to bloom tress began to turn green; nature itself restored its natural qualities. It was as if the Garden of Eden was rupturing through the Gates of Hell. Los niños estan en enamorado para siempre <3

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