Dreams In Reverse | Teen Ink

Dreams In Reverse

September 4, 2014
By JadeW GOLD, Hillsborough, North Carolina
JadeW GOLD, Hillsborough, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable.”
― G.K. Chesterton

Open scene

A young girl with high princess dreams

But yet everything can’t be what it seems

For this girl who longed to be something higher

Was only a poor orphaned liar

Tattered clothing

No riches to be seen

Alone and afraid

Was who she had to be

She knew the fairy tales were all lies

And no prince would come down and save her from the skies


So our young ill fated orphan

Was alone

Never knew the love of another

On her own since the mere age of six

In a kingdom of betrayal and lies

Where famine caused many people to die

She became a cunning witch

In the mastery of theft

This was no life of a blossoming princess

Like she longed to be


So our innocent orphan

Transforms into a sinful enchanter

A wanted thief longed for in all the lands

A charming little prize came for the capture of our fair orphan

She fled among all the lands but never stopped her ways

Until that one day

Her running was no more

She ran straight into deaths door


The queen of deception

Was blinded

Our devious orphan fell for a man

Who longed betrayed her

Brought her to her death

Upon the castle steps

The ones her feet always wished


To graze upon

But it was not her dream

For she was a not a princess

She was a thief

Feet grazing to her death

And nothing was left


As the blade crashes down

Her last thoughts

Are she never was a beautiful princess

But yet a cruel smile twisted upon her face

Seconds before her head meets the blade

She was a villainous queen

But that maybe is just who she was destined to be


The author's comments:

A narrative of the simply twisted things of the past and of dreams and the story of a theif. 

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