Believe | Teen Ink


September 5, 2014
By purplezebra01 GOLD, Warren, Pennsylvania
purplezebra01 GOLD, Warren, Pennsylvania
19 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You're misunderstanding the role of best friend, I think. You only need to know what I deem is necessary to tell you. This is not one of those things, so quit asking." -Lacey Weatherford (Crush)

I always try to make myself believe

Believe that it’s right

When really it’s wrong

This time it’s opposite

This time I make myself believe

Believe that it’s wrong

Cause I don’t wanna get hurt again

This time I’ll listen to my heart

Like never before

My heart says it’s right

Yet I want to believe it’s wrong

It’s just another

Just like everyone else

But deep inside

I know it’s different

I know it’s true

I know it’s right

I don’t want to believe it’s right

When all the other times it wasn’t

But this time it is

And it’s time I start to believe

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