Fragile meadow lark | Teen Ink

Fragile meadow lark

August 31, 2014
By MistyGirl15 SILVER, Klamath Falls, Oregon
MistyGirl15 SILVER, Klamath Falls, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate the sound of broken heart

of the fragile meadowlark.

As she sings her saddest song
Where frogs and cricket sing along.

Has she lost her love so dear? 
When she thought him oh so near? 

Or has she never found him yet
Is she ready is she set?

Fragile is the meadow lark,
Singing from the shadows dark.

You don't see her,
She sees you.
Wondering what you might do.

Will you find her by her song?
Or is your interest far to gone?

From meadowlark to mocking jay 
Sing they do throughout the day.

One is bright and one is dim.

One has heart one has him.

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