a rant against society | Teen Ink

a rant against society

August 31, 2014
By atacrimpson PLATINUM, Mocksville, North Carolina
atacrimpson PLATINUM, Mocksville, North Carolina
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't want to fit in

I want to escape

by dreams

by blade

it does not matter

I don't care how

I'm surrounded by liars

and fakers

who say they don't hurt

like I do

but at night in their beds

they cry just as hard as I do

surrounded by ten thousand cowards

just like me

hidden and safe

behind a screen

laughing and chatting and acting ok

how ingenious that man

need not pretend

because no one is around

to tell the difference

I hate face book and twitter and

texting and phones

''I love you'' loses meaning

when you receive it alone

we all hurt

we all cry

we're blubbering and red faced

and dying inside

humans have forgotten what humanity is

it's reaching out and touching a friend

attached at the hip to a cellular device

that cannot hug you or love you at night

would it really kill us to stop giving in

to quit conforming to every trend?

there is a worldwide connection

that stretches so far

but how far can you stretch before

something is lost?

locked away in our bedrooms

we become mindless droids

we are held captive by our toys

have we so soon forgotten how it feels

to be touched?

are we really willing to give up so much?

technology is growing and booming

but can it replace the things we are losing?

love and trust, honesty and facts

will there be room in our futures for that?

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