I Remember... | Teen Ink

I Remember...

August 31, 2014
By katertott PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
katertott PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
27 articles 0 photos 6 comments

I remember when I was a child I always wanted to have a pony. Dad said we couldn't have one because they were expensive and the money was needed for hospital bills.

I remember asking what hospital bills were and why they were in the way of me and my pony. Then I found out that it was because Grace had cancer.

I remember when I was a child I was always asking Grace to do my hair. She did it, even when it hurt for her to move, she would cry while brushing my hair. Now I do my own hair wishing I had Grace.

I have a memory of  a time when I liked shades of pink and blue. All that stopped when everything at her funeral was covered in them. Now I like shades of blacks and blues because they have more emotion.

I remember all the milestones that I've celebrated without Grace. Having first kisses and turning 16 or going to school dances and wanting to win prom queen.

I remember graduating high school, while feeling numb and crying the whole ceremony because Grace's name wasn't called after mine. It was just me.

I remember when I used to have a twin, another half, but now it's just me.

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