Tree of Waters | Teen Ink

Tree of Waters

September 17, 2014
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

I sit from afar, a traveling star,

Looking out to another world,

A world coming ever so closer.

It was full of life, beautiful and untouched.

Waters sprouted from the surface,

The spring governed by a great Aspen tree.

Waters so clean and clear

Spread healthily around this world.

A top stood a woman, strong at heart And as

Kind and beautiful as the planet she ruled.

Her smile guided me through the dark

And her words put me down playfully.

I saw the spark that made her jump,

And confusion struck me as I figured out

Her secret that she hid of me.

But I couldn't keep her happy.

She showed me many things,

Her favorite thing a clear crystal

That seemed to reflected my light.

I look through it a lot only to find her

Smiling on the other side.

Regret seeping into me as we get closer.

I want to warn her, but she refuses to listen.

For light can burn if you get to close.

Closer she gets, learning more about me

As I learn more about her understanding.

She learns of the darkness inside my core,

But she doesn't run away from it.

Her smile now warming my heart

Brightens my day everytime I see it.

I find myself thinking of her more

Daydreaming of a time we could share.

Out of nowhere, a darkness inside

Comes over me, tormenting others around.

Yet with insanity overcoming my soul,

This queen stays, giving me words so sweet.

She opens up her arms till I give in,

Letting her into my light but she did not burn.

She smiled brighter than before and for once

I could smile back with happiness in me.

Confusion strikes me as she manifests into my mind.

The feelings I see coming from her are reflected back.

Our time getting ever so longer as we share smiles,

And not once have I seen that smile fade before me.

But all things change ever so quickly.

A day when her smile is replaced with tears,

Gives me a chance to show I'm here for her too.

And after the day is finished an unexpected kiss is given.

That was the last time I saw that queen,

The very last time I saw that wonderful place.

I try to find her but only find darkness.

Then I see a planet, dark and dry without life.

A crater in its surface that seemed familiar in a way,

But I could not figure it out until I see it.

That clear crystal she loved so dear lying broken.

It was her home, the place now foreign to me.

Her tree gone and a big hole to take its place,

No longer giving its Waters to its surface.

Like a lost puppy I search our favorite spots,

And the places she liked to go visit only to find nothing.

I search for her, and think about her night and day.

And as darkness struggles to pierce what light I had left,

I continue to come out empty handed each time.

Now I keep a close eye on the glass she kept and hold on.

The author's comments:

To my friend, who I don't know where you in this world, I wish you luck and I think of you everyday. I am sorry that I didn't listen to you sooner as to continue our friendship.

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