Freedom | Teen Ink


September 28, 2014
By Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my dreams, I was a slave to the ocean
the water kept rising while I kept sinking. 
The pressure increased as the thoughts intensified
and the sunlight began to fade.

I was alone in the dark, cold abyss
I heard the rushing water as the thoughts became louder.
If I tried to rise up, the current pushed me down.
I always ended up on the brink of insanity

I relived the mistakes I have made
and the memories that haunt me
I rarely relived the beautiful memories
that surface only when I gave into the current

One day it led me to the shore
This is where the thoughts can’t reach me
and this is where I found you
In my dreams, I am free.

The author's comments:

Interperate it as you wish.

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