My Star | Teen Ink

My Star

October 4, 2014
By BriannaP SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
BriannaP SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't give up on hope because sometimes that is all you have.

You shine so brightly where you are.
So far away and
out of reach.
I wish I was nearer to you.
I wish I could brighten anyone’s day like you do.
I wish I could grasp hold of you,
but you’re so far away, my star.
That smile,
those eyes,
make me wish I were nearer,
but you shine so far away.
And I can never get close enough to grasp you, hold you, and keep you forever.
My star, oh my star,
you shine so brightly where you are.
So far away and
out of reach.
I don’t think I can ever shine as bright without you.
My lovely star,
I want to cry out,
I want to fight for you,
just so I can hold you.
But I know that you have a star and it shines brighter
And I can’t compete against a star.
Yet you will always be my star,
even though I may never shine as bright,
never reach where you are,
never grasp and hold on tight,
to you, my star. 

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