The Hands of Time | Teen Ink

The Hands of Time

October 7, 2014
By LostInFantasy SILVER, Shillington, Pennsylvania
LostInFantasy SILVER, Shillington, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
-Ernest Hemingway

A white stool sits
on the carpeted floor
of a bedroom
brown, dirty metal peaks through
weathered white paint
yellow stains scattered along the surface
the hands of time haphazard
and careless

A woman perches
on the stool
deep lines carved into her face
show her age
skin bunched and drooping
know her mistakes
the hands of time relentless
and unforgiving

A baby sleeps
in the arms of the woman
olive skin untouched
and pure
observant eyes and curious hands
proclaim innocence
the hands of time gentle
and new

The author's comments:

One day I was sitting in my bedroom trying to think of something, anything, to write about, and this old stool in the corner of my bedroom caught my attention; the idea spiraled from there.

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