The Little Lion | Teen Ink

The Little Lion

October 10, 2014
By Elizabeth Russ BRONZE, Pellston, Michigan
Elizabeth Russ BRONZE, Pellston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trying to stalk like a bigger cat, attempting to scare.

Through the wavy underbrush he pounces and lets out a tiny squeek of a roar.

Unworried, the gazelle blinks those big eyes like blue moons and ignores the disturbance.

Still determined the little lion trots off to try again.

He comes upon a boar, husky like an ox it does not flinch at the small squeek.

The cub moves on knowing for as big the grasslands are, there must be another who fears his mighty roar.

A rat with eyes like black holes that could swallow you squeeks louder than he does, the rat hurriedly scampers away more scared than ever.

Goal now accomplished the little lion prances off home for his meal.

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