I think they need a refund | Teen Ink

I think they need a refund

October 8, 2014
By Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?<br /> Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle&quot;<br /> -Alice in Wonderland

I am from stuffed animals,
Filling every corner of my room
From top to bottom

I am from flowery shirts
And black leggings
Because jeans just weren't comfortable

I am from a solitary schooling
With just my brother
And mom

I am from piano lessons and ballet
Every week
For hours on end

I am from swim practice
Morning and night
Because ballet is overrated

I am from playing with my kitten
And cuddling too
Each and every night

I am from reading
Until I ran out of books

I am from playdates and sleepovers
With my best friend
As much as possible

I am from long Sunday mornings
Sitting in church
A respectful, quiet girl

I am from “boys are gross”
Because they picked their noses
And played with bugs

I am from daydreams
Of imaginary worlds
Anytime of the day

I am from an interracial family
As the adoptee
Since I was left behind

But now

I am from a single stuffed bear
Full of things
I wouldn’t want my parents to find

I am from push up bras
And skinny jeans
Because it's all about appearances

I am from public school
With people I hate
Cause that’s where our tax dollars go

I am from a dusty piano,
An ancient relic
Kept for decoration

I am from teaching swim lessons
Since I need money
Because swim team is overrated

I am from carrying my cat around
Up and downstairs
Since her legs are weak

I am from watching tv
Whenever I’m bored
Until I run out of shows

I am from social media
All day
Cause who even meets in person anymore?

I am from sleeping on Sundays
Overlooked by my family
Who are at church

I am from my boyfriend
Who I trust
With my everything

I am from nightmares
Of being forgotten
Day and night

I am from an interracial family
As the adoptee
Feeling like a defective parcel

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