Don't Expect Me to Smile | Teen Ink

Don't Expect Me to Smile

October 17, 2014
By Anonymous

You promised forever

Now all I see is a never

You said you'd stay

But I watched you walk away

You say "Let's be friends"

Honestly, there's no sense in it

Because you're with her

And I'm with him

I'll love you to the end

It's fine, I'll pretend

You hold her hand

And I'll kiss my man

Why would I think we could last

Kiss you good-bye, you're all in the past

I'll fake a smile

Secretly dying for awhile

Because you left me for that

Maybe I was just too fat

But you shouldn't matter

I never did

If you love me like you said you do

Why play me like a fool

I'll move on

You realizing you were wrong

Because I was always here

Taking away your fears

It's time that, that stops

In the end, I was the one you forgot

I'm not waiting around

Hoping to be found

I'm walking away

While you expect me to stay

The author's comments:

My ex inspired me to write this piece. I took all those emotions he left me with and created this poem. I think it turned out better than I had thought it would, but I know it isn't perfect. I have no idea what others will think of it, but what I want them to think or get from it is, a lover will walk away from you, but then come back. You have to decide if it's time for you to walk away or if you should stay. The point is, it's your choice to make. In my case, I decided that I shouldn't let him hurt me anymore, that instead of waiting for him to realize that I'm what he wants, I have to get up, move on, and leave all those feelings with him. He may want me and I may still want him, but is it worth it? 

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