As I Fall | Teen Ink

As I Fall

October 20, 2014
By 186101 BRONZE, Weston, Florida
186101 BRONZE, Weston, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

" You’re worthless. ”
“ You’re a piece of trash. ”
“ Go die. "

These are the gruesome voices that haunt my mind
and don’t let me sleep when the sun hides
under the darkness of the night.
Miserable. Secluded. Dejected.
Who would want to be with someone like this?
Not even the dead.



But I expect them to welcome me,
not with knives or jabs,
or shrieks and bellows,
but with a pitiful smile,
and hopefully arms wide open.


A step forward and all the pain will go away.
Just one step is enough.
Only one is all I need
to finally be free.
Maybe life just wasn’t for someone like me?
or maybe I wasn’t ready for life?


The step I took with sorrow,
with my pride in my hand
and my heart on the other.
And as I feel myself fall,
memories jog into my mind,
like a childhood song on the radio.


I scream with despair,
but also joy.
Finally, I’m free.

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This article has 1 comment.

OliviaVir said...
on Oct. 23 2014 at 9:20 am
This is amazing! Focus on grammar corrections. But overall this is a very nice poem.