Pandora and her Infamous Box | Teen Ink

Pandora and her Infamous Box

October 27, 2014
By Chelsea Housel BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Chelsea Housel BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Look at me the bright and beautiful box that I am.
Hear me speak, please just take a peek.
I glisten and glitter in the sun’s gleaming light.
Pandora lifts my lid with a trembling hand, and like water gushing from a broken dam
all my evils are released.
The evils are ghostly apparitions dashing away, eager to wreak havoc on all of mankind.
With a bang she slams my lid, but I am not empty.
One remains, it is not evil, it is hope.
The world is hopeless now.
Illness, heartache, and hardship will plague mankind for all eternity.

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