Cheekbones | Teen Ink


November 9, 2014
By sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." - Kurt Cobain

She likes bloodshot eyes 

and perfect cheekbones

that stick out like blades

they cut her heart into pieces


She likes the way his hands shake and tremble
like hes swimming

in an iced over lake


She loves every inch of him

so intensley 

she cannot draw oxgen 

into her lungs


She loves the feel of his 

snowflake skin
against hers

so cold it burns


She likes his scrapes and bruises

his sweet imperfections

and his sickly thin frame

with everything she has.

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