Old Faithful | Teen Ink

Old Faithful

November 2, 2014
By Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Katee21 GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?<br /> Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle&quot;<br /> -Alice in Wonderland

The motorcycle struggled under its burden
It chugged and it chugged until its wheels burned rubber
Smoke billowed as it hugged the corner
Swerving to avoid the rocky cleft
Only to look up –
Its headlights blaring down on an aching tree
One, two, three times it flipped
Handlebars tangled in branches
A wheel here, a wheel there
Trampled grass backtracking its path
Onto the smooth pavement of the symmetrical road
Where a broken body lay
Still wearing its helmet

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