The Sweet Black Pearl | Teen Ink

The Sweet Black Pearl

November 3, 2014
By Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when I was three that the days seemed to last forever.

I could scale a mountain or fend off an alien invasion
within the comfort of my impregnable pillow fort.
I remember escaping Mt. Vesuvius’s tidal wave of lava
by jumping from one couch to the next.

I remember when night would reveal the beauty of darkness.
I stayed awake, staring into darkness until I could see.
I would sneak around trying to catch fabled monsters
like Sandman cause I really needed some shut-eye or
Santa Clause to scold him for not replying back to my letters.

I remember when morning would come and I was tired.
I would sit down for breakfast wanting to fall face first in my cereal.
I remember that my grandma would give me a nice cup of Black Pearl coffee
The cycle never ends.

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