As Winter Faded | Teen Ink

As Winter Faded

November 21, 2014
By Cfleet2397 BRONZE, Newport Beach, California
Cfleet2397 BRONZE, Newport Beach, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s a sugary taste in the air,
and the ground bursts with green.
Wind tickles your skin as
children play, and swing, and laugh
while layers of coats are shed and
shutters creak open as windows melt frost like butter.
Remnants of winter fade:
crisp leaves suspend in fragile air,
birds clutter branches of an oak,
and grass breathes a dewy aroma.
A sliver of light illuminates the sidewalk
as weeds spark through the wet cement
and raindrops sparkle on the wooden bench.
Leaves plasters the wet earth where
the sidewalk ends and an adventure is over.
Nature stops and reality begins
when I walk from the park and into the fast pace of life.

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