Being Alone When Surrounded | Teen Ink

Being Alone When Surrounded

November 24, 2014
By precious1 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
precious1 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No Matter What Your Circumstances May Be, Its Not How You Start But Its How You Finish"


Sometimes you can be in a room with hundreds, but have a feeling of sorrow and pain


Sometimes Being alone can come from a soul maybe a demon who has depressed you.


Sometimes you can be in a room with 1 and feel a feeling of which you complete.


At times your alone because your mind is emotionaly torn, and your soul is physically GONE.


Being alone is cause by one who makes you feel alone.


Sometimes someone you looked up to and loved has hurt you so bad on the inside that one sees your heart bleeding out


Sometimes your soul is feeled with joy, but your mind is filled with despire and unforgiving


Sometimes when you feel alone its because you make your self feel alone.


Sometimes when your alone I can just be you and you can feel a feeling of Happiness and Joy.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because one can feel empty all the time because of how one persons actions has effected them.

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