Gone without my Goodbye | Teen Ink

Gone without my Goodbye

November 22, 2014
By angmang22 BRONZE, Valhalla, New York
angmang22 BRONZE, Valhalla, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last time we met, I was still young
I did not understand it all, your meaning left unsung
We departed from each other, expecting to meet again
But instead an empty promise, for we didn’t know when

Each day I worked my hardest, hoping to see you soon
And every night you waited as you gazed upon the moon
But alas, no more time could go on while we were apart
For only you I needed to patch my broken heart

You used the knife I gave you to stab through your flesh
And that night deep inside I felt all but refreshed

But when I finally saw you, that is when I immediately stopped
Your face was filled with disappointment and it suddenly dropped
The disappointment only in yourself, for your decision caused it all
My emotions swelled; the only thing I did was bawl

And this one decision, was the one that made you die
The reason you were gone without my goodbye

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the feelings which most likely overcame Odysseus in The Odyssey when his mother died.

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