Im Not Alone | Teen Ink

Im Not Alone

December 4, 2014
By Madison Anderson BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
Madison Anderson BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trees shook
Fog rolled through the damp grass
Night eerily fell over the grazing sky
The wind howled like the whine of a lost dog
I’m not alone
In the wooden mansion I hear a knock
But when I answer, no one’s home
I continue reading by the glow of the fire
I’m by myself, scared…
And alone
My eyes grew heavy
I walk up the winding stairs
I know I’m not alone
I hear footsteps behind
I discover no one but myself
I run into bed and close the door
I catch a glimpse of something outside
She stands with long hair and no face
To paralyzed to move, I stand there
I watch her run into the night
She floats as she disappears away from me
I turn for bed
But as I approach
There she stands with long hair
And were face, to no face

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