I Will Rule | Teen Ink

I Will Rule

December 4, 2014
By KaraBurns SILVER, Paducah, Kentucky
KaraBurns SILVER, Paducah, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep trying"

I, Hades am forced to do this?
Rule the underworld?
All because of a draw
Of course, my two brothers get the best ones while I stay hidden and feared
Dad loved Zeus more so, of course, Zeus would have the best part of worlds
At least I am the god of wealth, and my precious hat makes me invisible.
Still, how am I a god of death when I can’t even control the death?
If I am to rule this hopeless world, I shall rule with an iron fist
No one will be allowed to leave!
I shall make everyone just as miserable as I am
No one will speak; everyone will work and your souls will be mine
But how am I to rule alone-
A wife, yes a wife, no; A slave
If I can remember correctly, Zeus has a daughter
What better wife for me than her?
I think her name is Persephone-
Yes, she will be perfect
Once I have her, she will be mine.
Oh, don’t scream-
You will be happy ruling the world by my side-
Well, now I have a queen
Ugh, here comes my all mighty brother-
I shall make everyone bow to me,
I will kill anyone and everyone!
Now I need a loyal companion-
Dog? No it needs to be scary-
Hmm, how about a 3 headed dog with a mane of snakes and a tail of a snake
He will guard me and protect me against the fools who dare try to battle me
He shall be lethal
He will imprison the dead in the underworld
He will be able to see the past present and future;
I will be invincible!
My brothers will even quiver in fear at my feet-
I can see it-
All souls will belong to me,
Everyone will quiver at the name Hades 

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