Ashes to Ashes | Teen Ink

Ashes to Ashes

December 4, 2014
By Grace987 BRONZE, Mebane, North Carolina
Grace987 BRONZE, Mebane, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A convolution of ominous rings

Like transparent shackles that bind most things

Surrounding and suffocating, thin wisps of grey

Lulling eager victims throughout night and day

A worldwide participation in a game of roulette

Which of the players will lose the bet?

The chances are limitless, the odds without bounds

These clouds of casualty claim all that they’ve found

The addiction is soft, calm, and serene

Ashes to ashes, unraveling the seams

Poisonous haze has the odor of demise

One touch to your lips is death in disguise

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