The power of imagination | Teen Ink

The power of imagination

December 4, 2014
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

I open up the crispy new book,
being careful not to bend the pages,
I read the text leaning with the characters wanting to see what they see
laughing when they laugh crying when they cry,
developing a new knowledge and understanding,
i get lost,
images swirling in my head,
pictures put there by just words,
words so powerful that they create something,
Big green landscapes, wide open road,
maybe its a smell of burning hair that develops a picture,
but its always something,
something small,
like how a small green and blue pen clicks in your hand ,
how the rosey women is sitting at her computer
how the boy’s hair is big and brown with his eyes a soft downy green,
     How the movie they watched has colorful pictures like a small flower full of rainbows,
or how the classroom looked so bleak and how the students were so annoying
Words hold power, knowledge just waiting for you to uncover the mystery
making you feel the emotions they want you to feel,
like when a child dies from hunger it sends a flash of pain and sorrow ,
these are messages a book can send you,
you just gotta open your mind up,
and let your five senses take hold with just imagination

The author's comments:

Wrote this one in Mrs.Carrols Class ( Lang and Lit) 9th grade

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