Mirrors | Teen Ink


December 10, 2014
By dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me,--
The simple news that Nature told,

With tender majesty."

It turns its head,
as you turn yours
It's just like you,
down to every last pore

It speaks your words,
as you think your own,
but the words it says,
are not your tone

It wears your clothes,
the clothes you picked,
but on them
they don't seem to fit

It seems so strong
in body and mind,
but only you know
that tears are inside

You reach out
as they step back
until your hand
touches nothing but glass

You hurry back
away from it,
but it just keeps coming,
and sits as you sit

Finally you stop
and you notice something new
That figure you see
is just simply you

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