Roses | Teen Ink


December 11, 2014
By IAmKT BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
IAmKT BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roses are lovely,
and pretty and cool!
Come see their beauty,
don’t be a fool!

They are special,
in more ways than one.
They’re filled with light,
and are a lot of fun.

But roses have faults,
their thorns hurt when you get near.
They’re sealed off like a vault,
but maybe they’re just full of fear.

You, like a rose, are special too.
You’re beautiful and charming.
You, like a rose, make others:
happy, bright and filled with light.

You’re filled with light,
you’re filled with life
and you’re very bright.

I know you don’t see it,
I know you don’t believe,
but trust me when I say,
you mean a lot to me.

We are scared to get close to Roses,
because we might get hurt.
Both of us, you and me.

Like a Rose you have protection,
from the outside world.
Like a Rose you are beautiful.

You are perfect and beautiful like a Rose,
I know you don’t see it.
But trust me darling,
you are beautiful within.

The author's comments:

This piece isn't specifically about Roses. It's about someone close to me, someone who doesn't see the importance of themselves. I am not good at poetry, but I wanted to try to write something special for someone that really means a lot to me! 

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