Touched by an Angel | Teen Ink

Touched by an Angel

December 14, 2014
By sterlingaa BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
sterlingaa BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone is born into this world for a reason
To make a difference, to make people smile
Sweet, beautiful, and young was she
Always smiling, always laughing
Wide eyed girl with a full life ahead of her
So why, why did this have to be?

Everyone who saw her wanted to get to know her
And everyone that knew her loved her
She brought joy into the lives of many
Poured out her love to all
Always knew how to be gentle, kind, and compassionate
To even those who she didn’t know at all

So why, why did she have to go?
So soon, so sudden
With so many years ahead of her
Why did this have to be so?
They say there’s a reason for everything,
But this one I would like to know
If someone is such a blessing, then why would they have to go?

She touched the lives of many
Put many smiles on people’s face
Showed us what love is
Showed us how to live
And now she’s in a better place

It was a privilege to have known her
To have talked, laughed, and spent time with her
She blessed and impacted the lives of many
Without even realizing the joy and happiness she brought
She touched so many hearts
Changed so many lives
And now God has one more angel looking down upon us
Reminding us of kind thoughts

I along with hundreds of others, have been blessed
Blessed to have crossed paths with someone so incredible
Somebody so in love with helping others
And someone so full of life
Never will I forget her voice, smile or laugh
But one day I will see her again
I will see my angel, again

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