For a friend | Teen Ink

For a friend

December 15, 2014
By Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
Crislaurys Torres GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Personality so complex
constantly getting put to the test
not use to people caring so i'm partially impressed
i find it truly amusing seeing you try to figure me out
but know that you're getting closer if knowledge ever becomes doubt
A collection of your wise word is saved in my mind if i ever lose my route
you're making a weak person stronger
became someone i can't live without
I know you're gonna be there when the darkest time of night
when the streets now lack their people and my thoughts are full of fright
you'll turn my fear to happiness and my problems disappear
I know you may live far from me but I still feel you near
You desire the rain and watch the grey clouds slowly consume the bright sky's 
But i stay watching you as my attention is consumed by your light eyes
you're soul is so unique
I love the words that you speak
and i know you don't see how much you're worth
but you seem priceless to me
you're ... the rain that should never end
and my wonderful best friend

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