How did I mess up? | Teen Ink

How did I mess up?

December 19, 2014
By MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

How did I mess up?
Today, I just want you to be honest.
I want you to tell me the truth.
Why did you stop loving me like I once loved you?
I forgave all your sins,
Despite that, I couldn’t appease you.
Tell me, how did I mess up?

You turned your face away from me
I was your lover, your confident, and your cloth of tears.
I converted into a slave to you;
but I couldn’t please you.
Tell me, how did I mess up?

We would secretly fly away into the unknown.
My life completely belonged to you.
Unconsciously I lived your life.
Unfortunately what you felt for me vanished.
I became what you wanted.
Tell me, how did I mess up?

I fantasized too much,
You were my only religion,
My belief and reason.
The reason of my existence.
Exploiting and stepping on me,
I stayed by your side.
Why did you destroy me?

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