The Path of Least Resistance | Teen Ink

The Path of Least Resistance

December 23, 2014
By Jake_A SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
Jake_A SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." - Aldous Huxley

I took half my life

To figure out
That I was on an incline
Looking up
And I found solace in the
I had made.


I used my mind like you'd use
A little round peg
To calculate the merits of
The beckoning square hole.


I climbed that hill begrudgingly
Wildly at odds with my two feet
And wishing for the moment I would fall.


And I left my dreams back in the clouds
Where they belong.


And I never raised my eyes above the
Comfort of my vision,


And I feared, most of all,
For the mirror
At the top.

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