war and peace | Teen Ink

war and peace

December 31, 2014
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Human though but not inside
Content and happy you look but still you hide

The darkness the evil from the past that still follows you now and maybe till you rest
If the existence of a superior being to you is none then death is your next quest

It’s not who were to be
It’s who you become

There will be a new day with no meaning of life like war
That day misfortune for you will come

Homes shattered, families torn apart, Shelter less people starving to death as they fall apart
Bloody hands, rotten bodies, the pungent smell is chocking out life
We know one day that the food will finally be free of tart

How many innocent soles wretched because of you?
Did you even had the right? Or is it what you were created to do?

You swat the humans brutally like the bugs we kill
Rip their necks off and roll them down the hill

Loud and deafening childish screams
Before drilling bullets in their heads, oh poor lads did had big dreams

What we say is not enough to bring peace
Your crime is far more darker than those stormy nights we see

Do we even have to pledge for a life where freedom exists
Where people are treated equally and everybody fits

May assassins like you never be created
Your doom shall wash the blood off the streets, may it take the pain and the trickling tears away from a helpless mother
So maybe fewer will be the despise and hatred

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