Each Dying Day | Teen Ink

Each Dying Day

January 7, 2015
By kileylucier GOLD, Lawrenceville, Georgia
kileylucier GOLD, Lawrenceville, Georgia
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Just let me belong to this day;
Let me wake up and smell the dandelions and cut the grass and trim my nose hairs and feel at one.
Let me lay beside you for a few more minutes with my pseudo sleep ridden lids while I contemplate madness and love and everything in between — is there an in between? — and let me leave soft kisses on your warm cheekbones.
Let me bathe with a purpose of being spotless and pure and clean and sparkling.
Let me breathe without urgency or pattern, just natural in and out sips of sweet air.
Let me pick flowers and catch frogs but always set them free.
Let me wander the highways and smile at strangers and wonder where they're going, where they've been.
Let me be who I am today and only today — not who I was yesterday or who I hope to be tomorrow.
Let me be and leave me be and understand that I need you to leave my body in a heap of sighs, rejoicing over this beautiful sunset;
Let who I am die with this day.

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