love renamed | Teen Ink

love renamed

January 9, 2015
By pai GOLD, Carteret, New Jersey
pai GOLD, Carteret, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Selfishness is one of the qualities apt to inspire love." Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Love has no true meaning

All she knows is him.

And he smells like fresh air

And peppermint.

Everything about him,

His essence, his postrue, his expressions,

Made the heart in her body

Leap to the moon.

And without him, the heart in her body

Remained stagnant.

And in order to regain his essence,

And his posture, his expressions,

She would be forced to eat candy canes

And take lonley walks outside

And stare at old photgraphs

To remember his face.

But here he was

Eating candy canes with her

And taking lonley walks


And searching through old photo albums

To find old pictures of themselves.

And she knows love has no true meaning.

But she loves the definition

Of him and her.

The author's comments:

I hope everyone finds their person who smells like fresh air and peppermint, and makes you ache for their essence, posture, and expressions.

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