Don't Give Up | Teen Ink

Don't Give Up

January 13, 2015
By madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
keep smiling because eventually one day life will get tired of trying to knock you down.

She stands staring in the mirror
Blood pouring from her wrists
She cries
Why does no one like her?
Why is she so ugly?
She picks the razor up
One slit
Two slits
Across her thigh
Little does she know
That boy that was teasing her
Dreams about her at night
That girl that called her a bad name
Envies every part of her
That teacher that yelled at her
Knows she is going far
So darling I ask you
Put the blade down
Look at your self
Now smile
Darling you are loved
You are going far
You will find that one boy
You have a life ahead of you
Please just don’t give up

The author's comments:

I hit a rough patch in life. Nothing was right I thought everyone hated me. I felt like I screwed everything up and everyone would be better off without me. I realized that not everyone hates me, I don't screw everything up and I have a place in this world. I am very proud of how far I have come. I want people to figure out what I figured out. Everyone is loved and they deserve to know that. 

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