I Am a Tiger | Teen Ink

I Am a Tiger

January 15, 2015
By Borgerding GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Borgerding GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Out in the jungle
I see something walking…
something sneaking up upon a
baby elephant.
A tiger.
Eyeing down it’s pray with keenful eyes.
Looking strong and confident.
It takes a leap, running towards it.
It’s viscous--
A herd of big elephants come along.
The tiger is scared...
but still holding its ground.
The tiger steps back, making it look like she’s finished.
The herd walks away…
She’s mad--
And strong enough to take them on.
The tiger runs, aiming for the baby.
The elephants are scared,
so they run.
She leaps and bites.
She got what she planned for,

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