Life's Ways | Teen Ink

Life's Ways

January 28, 2015
By Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Katrina96 BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life changes in so many ways.  Sometimes more than the amount of times fathomable.
People can be complex.  There are some that we completely fall in love with, wanting nothing more than to stay with them forever.
For I am afraid that I am getting too close.  That you are too hot to touch.  I think that you are so surreal, that if I get too close you’ll fade; You’re like a rainbow, and I’m the fool chasing you until the end.
In a fairy tale world this would fit so perfect, like our souls were meant to be.
But this is reality.  A reality that I cannot yet face.
As each day passes I think how this came to be.
How something so perfect can become utterly terrifying.  At least for me.
Our love isn't forbidden, it was not a mistake.
It was with the right people at the wrong time.
As we grow we notice we have certain needs and desires that should be met.
And as of right now, mine are lying elsewhere.
But I am leaving you for now, not forever.
Just because I am traveling away from your arms does not mean that I am traveling away from your heart.

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