Live Life | Teen Ink

Live Life

January 24, 2015
By itsleviosaaa BRONZE, Modesto, California
itsleviosaaa BRONZE, Modesto, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look towards the future, but not so far as to miss today."

We look back on the things we’ve done,
We swim in a sea of regrets.
We cannot calm our guilt and shame,
We cannot lift our tepid soul.

We all make foolish decisions sometimes,
We all have shame and remorse.
But there is a new day just for you,
One with a new-born will and intent.

So seize the day my friend,
And don’t let the past get you down.
For life is too short to live in regret,
You must live it with an open heart.

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