Christmas Morning | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning

January 27, 2015
By KaylaMelhouse SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
KaylaMelhouse SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On that special winter morning,

The snow is falling, the wind is blowing,
and the kids are smiling
like the cheshire cat
as their amber eyes widen with delight
when they see the heaps of presents underneath the tree.

Running to the tree, they pounce on the presents

like a cat catching a mouse.
They tear open the presents
with their unevenly cut fingernails
as they purr in excitement.

The shredded wrapping paper
thrown carelessly around the room
looking like a cat itself shredded it.
The parents try picking up the wrapping paper
as the kids prance around with their new toys
And all was well on that very merry day.

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