Being American | Teen Ink

Being American

January 23, 2015
By llama_queen SILVER, Croydon, Pennsylvania
llama_queen SILVER, Croydon, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." ~Maya Angelou

Being American is awesome at times.

Other times it's not.

Whether you were born in America

Or got your citizenship here as an adult;

You are American.

Being American means you have freedom.

But there are laws you have to follow.

Some are very easy to follow.

Some arent.

We encourage self-defense.

Until a gun is involved.

As Americans we accept everyone.

Unless you're gay, Muslim, Trans* or come from a different country.

Us Americans are friendly.

Unless you disagree with what we say.

We as "Americans" are not who we say we are.

Us "Americans" are hateful, ignorant, noisy and we're bullies.

Being American means to be nice.

To be accepting of everyone.

Not to be a rude, loud, drunk and lazy.

We are a society of people.

Not a population of monkeys.

Be an American and be nice, kind, caring and accepting.

No matter what someone's skin color is.

No matter what someone's sexual preference is.

And no matter where they come from.

Be an actual American.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my American Literature class. My sister read it and though i should post it. sorry if it offends anyone. didnt mean to.

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