A Dark Descent | Teen Ink

A Dark Descent

February 2, 2015
By Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cavern covers its floors with darkness
like mist shrouding the road ahead.
People will always take a step into the mist
rather than take a leap of faith into darkness.

This road ends hear
at the gaping mouth of the cavern.
The road behind me will take me back home
While the cavern does not promise a safe landing.

All that is left is three steps
No one knows what lies at the bottom.
No one has dared to take a leap of faith.
The closer I get makes it look alive

All that is left is two steps
and I will know what lies at the bottom.
but I will lose everything I know now.
and leave everyone behind

All that is left is one final step
and I will see what’s behind the darkness
All that is left is the descent
and I will no longer see the light

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