Another Day Goes By | Teen Ink

Another Day Goes By

February 10, 2015
By BubbleMintZebra BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
BubbleMintZebra BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For if I imp my wing on thine, affliction shall advance the flight in me"

I look into the mirror
I try not to break out in tears
But I
I just can’t help it
I look at all these bruises
And I ask myself
Why must I not be good enough?
For my father…
Why must I
Be the one
He didn’t want?
I look into the mirror
And I pull out mommy’s makeup
Using the skills she taught me
To hide my bruises
I dip the brush in the powder
Every stroke to my face
Hiding yet another part of my life.
I wipe off my tears
And leave the powder room.
Another day goes by.

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