Anti-Bullying | Teen Ink


February 8, 2015
By madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
keep smiling because eventually one day life will get tired of trying to knock you down.

Your words hurt, can’t you see?
Think of what could happen.
What if they cut their skin

That blood pours out?

What if they say goodbye through a text?
Their family left in despair
At night they cry themselves to sleep
Wondering what they could of done

Their friends afraid to go to school
What if it happens to them?
What if your words haunt them
Like they did her.

They go to tell a parent
But are shaken off
Told to suck it up
To just ignore you.

What happens when it becomes too much?
That they grab a bottle of pills.
And try to end their life
Because of you.

Why did you do it?
Was it fun?
Did you think about the outcome?

You call them weak but they are stronger than you
They wonder “How bad can it get?
Can I keep going?”

Their biggest fear:
Is that when they break no-one will care
They will be left all alone

What if that person so “weak” was you?
How long could you keep up a smile?

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I am a big supporter of non bullying. This is a subject I am passionate about and really try to prevent. I hate seeing people get pushed around and feeling like they aren't worth anything. I've gotten called things to the point where I felt like everyone hated me and I wasn't worth anything. Nobody should have to feel that pain because of someone else. I want people to see what the outcome of their actions are. Not even that because people KNOW what the outcome is its not like a mystery, they choose to ingnore it. I want people to stop ignoring it and to start caring and leave people alone. Everyone deserves to have a great life and to feel like they are worth something because they most definetly are. So to all you reading this that are going through something you are amazing and there are people out there who do love and care about you.

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