The balance of beauty | Teen Ink

The balance of beauty

February 9, 2015
By Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
Nazma SILVER, Ventnor, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things happen for a reason

I looked in the beautiful mirror in front of me. I froze and gazed at the girl in the mirror. What is that and who is she? I questioned myself. It was awful, horrid, I strolled forward and took another look. It was..... Me. I felt the blood rushing out of my body and I sensed my hands getting numb. Was that really me? One question I asked myself over and over.

I lumbered back to my bed, the bed that once was soft and felt like clouds was now bricks that's as hard as a rock. Pouring my eyes out every second of the day, soon my eyes were blood shut. How can that be me?
My admirable mom advanced to where I was. She spoke to me with her soothing voice.

"What's wrong." She asked me.

I was silent, not one word from my mouth. She looked at me with her sparkling brown eyes.

"Honey, you are beautiful the way you are, don't cry, I'm right in front of you, and what do people always say we look alike, that means we are both beautiful."

I looked at her with with alert brown eyes, maybe she was really right, but what do I know.

"True beauty comes from within, your personality, your thoughts, you yourself, it doesn't come from the way we look."
I kept staring at my mother,the things she was saying just slipped into my mind.

"Keep this in mind, God had made us all beautiful in our own ways."

I looked up at her one last time astonished on how she knew what had happened, as if my mother sensed it. I carefully wiped my eyes and there I knew from my own mother's words what true beauty was.

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